Pennies To Pounds Podcast
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Here are just a few of the topics we cover on the Pennies to Pounds Podcast:
- Budgeting: Learn how to create a budget that works for your lifestyle and goals.
- Saving: Discover the power of compound interest and effective strategies to save more money.
- Investing: Demystify the world of investing and learn how to grow your wealth over time.
- Debt management: Get tips and tricks for paying off debt, improving your credit score, and avoiding financial traps.
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- Financial mindset: Cultivate a positive and abundant mindset to attract wealth and success in all areas of your life.
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Pennies To Pounds Podcast
105. Up The Gains: Wealth Building, Personal Growth & Extra Income ft Sammie Ellard-King
This episode is with Sammie Ellard-King, founder of financial education platform Up The Gains. In this episode, we're discussing how to begin your wealth-building journey, ways to increase your personal growth and how to give your income a boost.
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Hey guys, and welcome back to the Penny's the Pounds podcast with your host, kia, and this is a podcast where we aim to dispel your myths, simplify difficult financial jargon and rectify your own personal problems. Happy Monday, everyone. I'm so happy, as I am every week, to bring you another amazing episode, and this episode is all around building wealth and personal growth Two of my favorite topics in the world because I think they're so important and they're not covered enough. So we're gonna do just that in today's episode with my special guest guests, who are you.
Speaker 2:Hey, I'm Sammy, nice to meet you.
Speaker 1:Nice to meet you too. I'm super excited to have you.
Speaker 2:I have been looking forward to this for a long time, for a long time. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Right. So, Sammy, people who don't know who you are, tell us who you are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'm the founder of Up the Gaines. We're a personal finance education platform helping people understand money, removing the jargon and really just getting to what actually people wanna know. So really the crux of it is investing, building wealth, money management, saving all of the good personal finance topics that we recover on these types of things.
Speaker 1:All of the good things that the people want to know, and I know in particular, we're gonna cover wealth building, which is a big thing. I don't know about you, but I know growing up there was always this thing about make sure you have wealth, make sure you've got that generational wealth, but there was never really an explanation of what wealth is. So let's start off. What actually is wealth, Sammy?
Speaker 2:It can be in a multitude of different things, but for me it's the freedom and choice. That's what wealth means to me, and you need money to do that those things often. So money is a byproduct of wealth for me. So it very much varies. When you ask that question, everybody has a different question. Some people just go, yeah, it's a millionaire, I wanna be a millionaire. And other people say, actually wealth is like having time, freedom to be with my family. They don't even mention the word money. So it's very interesting. It can be both sides, but for me it's time, freedom and choice. But money is the byproduct to allow me to do that. So that's my wealth.
Speaker 1:I agree. I agree. I think mine as well is time freedom. I think life can be so busy, but I want to be able to do the things I want to do, so that's one thing for me. But how can someone decide what wealth means to them? Like, what does that look like? Because I know when, if you look online, there's been an emergence of so many different creators, you know we come to a community. We have these so many different types of investments that everyone wants to jump on because it's wealth building. But how can someone decide what's actually right for them?
Speaker 2:Well, everybody's unique, and that's the first thing when it comes to personal finance, like you can. If you lined a million people up today and looked at their budgets, I guarantee you there wouldn't even be one the exact same as the other. So accepting that about yourself first is the first, being so self-acceptance. Who am I? What money type am I? Am I a big spender? You know these types of things, and then you can then start to see what you perhaps are interested in.
Speaker 2:Some people like complete risk-off approach. Other people like the thrill and the risk of taking more. But it also depends on where you are in your life cycle as well. Like, if you're 25, you're going to be taking a lot more risks. To the person who's 55, where you've got retirement coming up soon and you need to be thinking about kind of keeping your cash rather than perhaps taking some risk with it.
Speaker 2:So I very simply have like what I call the five-year rule, and it's just such an easy framework for managing your money. So five years or less, everything in there is saved and then five years or more is invested. So when you look at it like that, it becomes quite easy when you say I'm investing, I'm saving and investing £100. I'm going to split my money up like that because it just allows you just to be straight and honest with yourself, and quick as well, because when it comes to finances, a lot of jargon out there, there's a lot of different frameworks and different techniques and rules, but actually the five-year rule is just so simple Okay, I'm going to save this because I don't want to take any risk with this money. For the next five years, I eat. That could be my house deposit, my new car, my holiday or whatever that is. I'm not going to risk that money, but my five years or more money that's for me paying myself in the future. It's a day that I don't have to work, et cetera. So that's what I do.
Speaker 1:I love that breakdown because I think I'm so goal-oriented, so I always think that far ahead, and I think for people who don't know how to split up their money, that's a really good way to really just evaluate what it is you want to achieve and in what timeframe. Because sometimes people I'm sure you have the same thing too People come to me and say I have this amount of money, what should I do with it now? And I think that helps to just kind of put it in perspective as to what you should do with that money. I want to come back to something you mentioned earlier, and that's money types, right? So what exactly does that mean? So I feel like, before you can decide what's right for you when it comes to your money, you need to understand how you view money and how you spend it. So can you explain to us a bit more about money types?
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely. On my podcast I asked people this question and that's what your relationship like with money growing up, because actually it's a really good indicator of how somebody reacts to money. We're all savers, Some people sorry, we're not all savers, but let's change that narrative right now. Some people are savers, some people are spenders, some people like to stash money away and not take any risk with it. And understanding that about yourself and then perhaps allowing yourself to step out of your comfort zone. So if you're a spender, saving is generally out of your comfort zone because you're just getting rid of your money as soon as it comes to paycheck mentality. But if you're a saver, you might not necessarily like taking risk to invest.
Speaker 2:So understanding who you are and your relationship with money from the ground up is often the first thing to do, because I truly believe that 90% of money management is in the mind. The rest is really actually quite simple. You can just follow a very simple plan and steps of wealth, you know, step one, step two, step three, as you just move up the wealth chain. That really doesn't change. There's different techniques in all of that to get to those places, but that actually everything's upstairs. So, getting your mind right first and then moving on from there is often the best place to start.
Speaker 1:I agree with you wholeheartedly because I think I always talk about myself when I was at university, because that was when I had the knowledge.
Speaker 1:But I was so frivolous because I was young and I was around people who were doing the same thing and I know I was in that mindset. I was definitely a spender, even I knew best to save. I was definitely a spender. But it is like I said, it's changing that mindset towards money and it's when I was coming towards the end of my university experience and I was like you know what, you're going to go back into the real world and we need to change how you view money. Because you know, in university it feels like you're in this, like little bubble of just living life and enjoying and then when you come out of it you realise. So I like the fact that you said you need really just tap into that mindset part. When it comes to people who actually want to build wealth, what are some of the steps that they can take to either embark on that journey for the first time or continue building on that journey?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love this question because a lot of people come to me and they say, hey, I've got 10 grand and I want to do something with it, and it's like, yeah, great, but have you made the steps to secure yourself first? And often they don't, they haven't even thought about that. So step one is if you let's say, for example, you've got some debt, we'll just very quickly get through that, but get to net zero as soon as possible. Before investing, before saving, get to net zero and then, once you're at that point, don't then suddenly start thinking, hey, I'm going to go and invest, secure yourself so you don't move backwards.
Speaker 2:So an emergency fund gurus out there will tell you three to six months everybody seems to say that and I don't disagree with them. But actually, if people want to feel like they're making progress, often just getting the first 500 pounds or the first grand or the first month's paycheck done is a great place to start. And then what I say from them from there is then you might change some of your allocations. Percentages might go. Let's say, we use that 100 pounds again. You might say I'm going to put 30 pounds towards my emergency fund and the 70 pounds is going to go towards my savings investments. You're still moving forward, but then you're also saving, you're also investing, so you feel like you're making progress at the same time, because people for some reason their mentality about emergency funds.
Speaker 2:They don't feel like they're making progress but, actually 90% of people that I've spoken to or work with on a day today. Once they get their emergency fund together, it's like a huge weight is off their shoulders, and why it goes back to what we were talking about at the beginning. It's the choice suddenly, if your boss walks in and starts screwing at you you've got six months of pay there you start looking at him.
Speaker 1:I can actually leave today if I wanted to. Financially, I'm covered to do so covered.
Speaker 2:I can walk out, and now I'm going to get a job in two months time. So, yeah, I'm going to use my emergency fund because that's what's there for I built it. Suddenly, you got choice. You walk differently, you feel differently, you've got a different swagger about you when you've got an emergency fund there together, because you feel like you can bat off the day to day stuff that life just seems to all throw at us. So, yeah, that's the big step for me get your emergency fund ticking and going and then start to look at savings and investing, utilizing that five rule system that I have.
Speaker 2:Basically, I start with a why, so why are we doing this really? Why isn't an actual monetary goal? The goal comes after the why. So the why is the feeling. So for me, it's time, freedom, positivity, creativity. I want these things around me. So everything, all my goals and monetary goals which feed those three feelings. And so then you've got a one year, five year and an ultimate goal. I change my five year and ultimate goal every year because life happens to us with different things. We have started having kids. You know, the car blows up, whatever that might.
Speaker 1:You know these things exactly get stuck on the motorway, okay.
Speaker 2:I need to re-evaluate my goals because it's going to cost me some money, right? So these things change people's life so that one year goal can be quite flexible. And then I work backwards what can I do today, what can I do this week, what can I do next month? And really what I like doing is just creating little positive Loops around my money because, as I say, we go back to the mindset thing. That mindset thing is so powerful and once you start doing little good habits, it's like we're so animalistic, like it's like stroke the bear yeah, sort of stuff.
Speaker 2:But if we treat ourselves in that way and we keep stroking ourselves, that sounds weird.
Speaker 1:For making those steps and you feel like you're actually making progress exactly, I'm blushing, you got me.
Speaker 1:We know you know what you meant to say, but I love the fact that you broke it down like that, because a lot of people and it can feel very overwhelming, I think, for you and I, we do this a day to day, so to us it's just like bread and butter, yeah, but for an only trying to start this for the first time, it can a feel overwhelming and be almost feel a bit boring. I think sometimes finances and money is portrayed as something boring, like it's necessity, like you need to do it, but, like many things in life that you need to do, you probably want to put it off. Yeah, you want to progress in it. I know I can progress when I'm ready and things that aren't exciting, but I think those small rewards along the way and like making those small miles, so when you hit them you feel like I can read it for next step it keeps you motivated along that journey, 100%. Let's now switch to personal growth. This is something that I'm very big on. I know you are too. But what is personal growth?
Speaker 2:So for me, steve Jobs had a quote never stop learning, and that's like the biggest thing for most people, and I had it. So I hit, I hit 18. Basically I breezed through school. I was one of those kids which just didn't try very hard but did really well. I don't know why, it's just the way my brain was and, like, once I hit 18, for some reason in my head I hit that like I know everything and so I stopped moving forward and it was only in my late 20s which I realized that.
Speaker 2:You know, I went through a bit of that after university. I said a bit of considerable amount, but it was that piece of self acceptance and what would happen was is that in that period of time where I was making negative financial decisions, I just stopped Learning and growing as a person and I was just actually just going through the mill and just keeping up the Joneses. We were young and I can't beat myself up about it, is just a way that things were. But once I started putting growth back in both mindset into my day today, it changed everything for me. So just embracing things that you want to learn and investing in yourself will always pay the most dividends.
Speaker 2:Sure you've all heard that quote and it's so powerful and simply because, like I do. An example Dave and 15 pounds an hour. He goes home and does an evening course cost him a thousand pounds and then he and is 22 pounds an hour when he passes that course at the same job he just leveled up in the evening, took it upon himself. He's now only 47% more than he did before. However, if you were to invest in the stock market, it would take you years probably to get to that 47% but you can do that in under a few months in a lot of cases.
Speaker 2:So that's a simple case of investing in yourself will pay the most dividends. So Absolutely.
Speaker 1:I completely agree with you. I think I am just. I love learning, I love reading books, I love learning, and it was like you when I left university, because I think you go through this period of compulsory education, especially in the UK, where you have to learn what do you like or not? You have to learn and then you know if you like myself, or six, four minutes university and then you leave and I look now you don't have to learn, you can choose to never learn again if you don't want to.
Speaker 1:I almost felt like I wanted to keep going and I learned so many different things. I could put everyone with the amount of things that I taught myself or I was sought out, you know, from illustrating to video editing, to learning how to Languages. I've done so many things right, but they've all taught me different lessons and a lot of them that I use today, to this day. But I wanted to ask you mentioned why it's important, but why should someone who perhaps hasn't really seen as a priority start to focus on their personal growth and however they're doing in life?
Speaker 2:Yeah, because for me, if you're not moving forwards, it can. You can get yourself into quite Sort of the same groundhog day territory and all of a sudden, it might not feel like it now, but it will catch up with you and all of a sudden you're being this kind of like I'm lost. What happened to last ten years in my life? What did I do? However, if you really do go for something and this is very different for everybody, because the person with a mortgage and two kids, it's gonna be like, yeah, whatever, semi, how I have no time for myself the answer is, you do need to make some time for yourself. So if that means taking an extra hour before the kids gets up, that's what you're going to have to do to get over that. But definitely do that and definitely take that time to work, to work towards something, whatever that might will be. If it's a hobby, great. Like you need a reason to get up in the morning, and the more everything's hard, we just get better at it. Yes, yes right.
Speaker 2:So do it and do it over and over again, because when you first made your first video, when I made my first video, oh my god, it was horrendous pants. Right, I'm 250 in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm getting better yeah and so, like that's taken two and a half years. So, and I'm not stopping, so that's the train that you jump on and it's the train of life. So either you're on or you're not, and so that's a decision that you need to make, but you'll know when it happens to you. But if you, some people, would listen to this and be like, well, I'm enjoying my life and great, because they've got a reason, they've got a why. But continually trying to forge yourself, even in those positions, often needs to better paychecks. It leads to better life decisions, better holidays, these types of things, just because your mind is working in that forwards mentality rather than thinking back. When I was 18, I had some great memories. That's not a life Like think forward.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. I have vivid memories of both my parents, at different points in my life, embarking on some sort of evening, something. So, like you know, be picked up from school I do my own homework and then I was doing our homework for her thing. Or like my dad is coming back later cause he's gone to the school to go learn this. Both were obviously to increase themselves, obviously with their growth and financially sort of can apply for, you know, higher paying jobs, but you don't see it in that moment. But those are the sacrifices that they chose to make.
Speaker 1:But as a child, I'm not re-factoring it in but, like you said, it is about making that time and they made that time. So, whilst you know, maybe myself and my brother were getting ready for bed cause we're younger, my mom was like, right, I can't take an hour to do her thing, and then obviously that works out in her favor. So there's always time. It's just about finding that time. And if you actually sit down like I've had a look at my screen time and I've been actively working to bring that down it is horrendous to me. I'm the same. That is so bad. And when I see it I'm like there's so many hours in a day that I could have used tools reading a book to taking a course, to listen to something that's gonna really teach me, like a podcast or anything that I'm now using, probably to scroll on social media or, if you're like me, I like playing games on my phone.
Speaker 2:That's probably where I waste. I love games on my phone. I love yeah, I need to do that.
Speaker 1:I know I need to do that, I'm gonna. I need to be on my phone.
Speaker 2:I'm obsessive, so I'll just go and go and go, that's me.
Speaker 1:There's just so many hours. You know, when people say they haven't got time, there is time, and it's just factoring that in. So let me ask you then what are some ways? I'm gonna just break it down into two. So what are some ways that people can look to grow when it comes to their financial literacy and their financial education? So how can they develop in that sense?
Speaker 2:Great question because it is overwhelming. There's a lot of creators out there now and Instagram is a great place to start actually for a lot of people, just because you use it every day. We're all on Instagram, so finding some good creators out there myself. Yes, that's a good stuff, but if you're listening to this, then you're a podcast listener and actually that's one of the biggest ways that I learn. I'm very much an audio first listener and some people like watching YouTube videos. I like YouTube, but I don't necessarily learn as well from that. I like that kind of hour long podcast where someone can deep dive deep into that topic and I walk away from that, so establishing what type of learner you are.
Speaker 2:Some people like reading, so pick up a book and there's some fantastic books out there or great blogs, up the gains, and that was for me, a big decision when I started the business.
Speaker 2:It was like people like listening, they like watching and they like reading, so I had to play in all three of those to actually change someone's life. So understanding that about yourself is really, really important and then go out and seek the best in those areas, like Google's a fantastic place, best podcast, best personal finance, youtube channels best X, y and Z and you're gonna find and stumble upon people that you relate to. But if you don't relate to the first couple of two, three people that you come across, don't let that finish it, because there's someone out there for you that you're really gonna click with, and that, for me, was a guy called JD Roth. He was actually an American, but just his way of thinking and his simple pathway. He's got a fantastic audio series and how to get financially independent and it changed my life and I always like revert back to that when things come off the rails a little bit. I always get back to that, cause life happens.
Speaker 1:Life does happen very much, so, whether you like it or not, yeah, no, I love that. I think it is so important. When you mentioned find someone that resonates with you, I think that's if anyone who knows why I started, that's part of why I started. I was online like 1920. I couldn't be finding on who either looked like me or had a similar life experience to me to actually learn about money. Obviously, I found some people that I could. I was like, okay, I can watch these people, but there wasn't really someone who resonated with me, which is why I started Penny's Pounds, obviously. But it is so important to find someone who you feel like you can relate to in some way, cause you're actually gonna listen to what they say.
Speaker 1:You know if it's someone who I don't know. If you take London, lives in central London and is rich and is telling you about money, you might say I'm not gonna listen to this person because they just don't understand my lifestyle and where I've come from. So you wanna find someone who you can actually relate to and obviously learn from you and I are good places to start, but there are so many people out there Right now to the other part of the question. In terms of personal growth in general, what are ways that people can take whether it's courses or looking online to actually build up themselves in different aspects?
Speaker 2:Yeah. So once you've kind of identified what it is you wanna do, next step for me is about networking and finding yourself either kind of colleagues within the space that you can kind of banter with and talk about these things, because your old friends are going to look at you like what the hell are you doing and they're not going to get it. So you need to kind of go through this period of like attracting your new club and your new tribe. You've left the old tribe and now you're moving into the new one. That's kind of like that old school, like human mentality that we have. But a mentor is a massive, massive thing.
Speaker 2:I've had one my whole life and if I don't have one in that area that I go into, I go and seek one and so spending some time really asking the questions what's it take like you know, what do I need to do, what resources can I tap into? And often they find that they will actually just pour themselves into you and that can just be so valuable for you. You might then decide this isn't for me, but after being on this journey, a section of what I thought it was is so. Now I'm moving into that direction and you'll be amazed at where you think, where you end up when you go down that pathway. But utilize people, people, communities. There's events in every city for entrepreneurs. There's like personal finance, events online almost every single day.
Speaker 1:Literally is so many all the time.
Speaker 2:Exactly so, like if you really want to learn, being online is just such a great place to start and then go in and make some sort of human based connections. I've got hundreds of just online friends. I've never met them, I talk to them like I know them and we like literally are proper mates and if we met up like it wouldn't be awkward, it'd be so like normal, because just talk to them all the time. So yeah, there's different communities now and we live in a technology based world, so get yourself out there.
Speaker 1:That's it, and one thing I always believe in is shooting your shot Because there's someone that you want to connect with, someone that you're inspired by, someone that you want to just be around. Just send that message, and I think people are very scared, but we live in an era where you're not that far removed from anyone. You could literally send a message and it might be in their request box, but chances are that if they go through it they will find your message and if it's, you know, if they feel like they want to respond, they can, whereas before our parents and their parents, you say the letter and hope for the best.
Speaker 1:It's going to go to the right place. They're going to even going to open it, you have no idea. But social media makes it so easy, so so easy, and I've had people even reach out to me who want to meet up. And I've got friends now who are people who just sent a DM one day and hope for the best and now, years on the line, we're really good friends. You know, I pour into them, they pour into me, so you never know what come from any message at any point. It's crazy.
Speaker 2:I love social media for that Jump on LinkedIn as well.
Speaker 1:I'll just do my favorite yeah.
Speaker 2:If you're like looking for a job or you're applying for a job, or you want to like go and see what's going on, go and add these people and, like everyone accepts and they actually enjoy talking about it because it's the industry that they're in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and what I find as well. There's been periods in my life where I've done, you know, contracts and been in jobs for a period of time and I think all of them by one have not been advertised online.
Speaker 2:Oh, interesting.
Speaker 1:Yes, they've been because I've known someone, or I met someone at an event and they felt me impressive, or because I've been on LinkedIn and like my content and like let's have a chat, so a coffee, and then now I'm like thank you. I've had to learn how LinkedIn works, because it can be confusing and daunting if you're not on there. It's hard, it is I'm not going to like it's not. It took me a while but I'm like, okay, I understand.
Speaker 2:If anyone wants it, you are the blueprint.
Speaker 1:Thank you, but honestly, I remember I even had someone create a job role around me.
Speaker 2:Oh, I see Wow.
Speaker 1:Because they bought into me and they were like we want you to be here, so what is it that you'd like to do here? And that just goes to show how much networking can really get you into rooms. It's mad. Yes, it's crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so Daniel Preci talks about this. He's an amazing person. I 100% recommend anybody who wanted to start a business go and check out his podcast episode. It's like three hours at Ali Abda, but it changes your life. But he talks about if you're not in the right room, change the room. So, and also, you should never be the smartest person in that room. So if you are the smartest person in a room, change that room immediately and go and upgrade your room and you will find that your life changes rapidly with it. So changing your rooms is one of the biggest things that you can do and, as I said, it's almost like that leaving the tribe thing. You know old mates will stay your mates, but often you're just going to chat about old times with them and enjoy things, enjoy life, and you need a support network.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you need to be the one to understand. You, you know, but your mum, your, even your other half isn't going to know what you're doing. And it probably is going to be like what the hell are you doing? But this is you. This is a journey that you need to go on, so personal growth is massive if you just change the room. Yes, absolutely.
Speaker 1:I think I've been on such a journey. So this is my fifth year doing personal finance content. It's been a long time, but it is that thing of having to put yourself out there and be in different rooms and I think, like you said, when I realized and when I heard that you know you can't be a smart person in your group of friends or in the room, I was like, ok, if I want to reach the next level, you can't be the top already. You need to be in a place where you feel like you're at the bottom, because it's going to motivate you to want to do better. Exactly, and yeah, it is so crucial when it comes in learning online. There are loads of resources out there that people can use to get their learning started.
Speaker 1:What would you say if anyone who wants to go online and just you know, take a course? What does that look like?
Speaker 2:Take a course. Yeah, to be honest with you, I feel like increasing income right now is probably the most important thing you should be looking at doing. We've been squeezed left, right and centre mortgage rates, cost of living, all of that jazz. You know we've all had these buzzwords thrown at us, but it is ridiculously tough right now for people and so often. Finding a way online to increase your income whether that be for a side hustle or even a full blown online business that you go and jump into is actually, for me, very, very important for people to be looking at right now, because things are changing so rapidly.
Speaker 2:We got coming into the work space, which is going to Extremely change the landscape and what we're currently facing. I don't want to worry people here, but I do feel like you need to be securing yourself and your family is in the best way that possibly can. So side hustling for me was a massive thing when I was deep in debt when I came out of university. My salary was gonna take me years to get out of it, so I side hustled my way through it and then I've side hustled my way into investments at all. My profits just go into my investments. So even if you use your side hustles to like, level up your investments, that's a great place to start, so looking online for ways to increase your income right now for me is massively important.
Speaker 1:So what some examples of side hustle that people can do because I think the big thing I was here inside of the great by that time yeah, cause they all seem quite time consuming and yes, there are some time consuming ones. What some side hustle that people can have a look at.
Speaker 2:Yes, like you can go make money now in 15 minutes from a online survey. You know, sitting down with Netflix on if you're gonna want to binge a series, but also with your laptop on just pressing yes or no on some Mobile choice based survey questions. Just earning a few quid like that. You can do that right away. And I like, I really like website testing. I do that often. I get some really good jobs through. I'm a bit more selective now. I don't need the money as much as I used to. And then also, yes, online service, website testing, mystery shopping is amazing. Apps that you download and literally be on the street and there'll be jobs pop up on them so you can go and do those things. They're side hustles, which they're what I call a side hustle. So people get like the YouTube, the podcasting, the blogging.
Speaker 2:They think that that's a side hustle and it isn't very much a business and online business to separate the two side hustle is something that you can just quickly go and do a few things here and there and earn a bit of extra cash. Honestly, you know car boots, all of those things are side hustles. You just kind of get yourself a few extra quit to side hustling here. Go and do all of these things and Many, many people gonna resonate differently with that. Some people, like I, cannot do online. So is the driving nuts, but I can go and do a mystery shop very easily and it'll be vice versa. So again, just explore and understand what works for you and how you can bring money, but the money is literally there.
Speaker 1:Money is there. Yeah, it's an abundance.
Speaker 2:Yes, when there's a lot of money out there and you just need to go into going Workout, do a few things. I get so many messages like you know where do I even start? And if that's the question that you're asking me, then you probably need to have a little bit of a word of yourself because, like me giving you that information, I can't go make that decision for you. You need to go out and explore, go out and learn, go out and forward yourself, and then we can have that conversation. You turn around to me and say, hey, sammy, I did on the service, but this company wasn't good. That's a very different question to like. What side hustle can I do? Very difficult for me to then say answer that because you're gonna be completely unique absolutely I've been doing since I was like I don't know like twelve, thirteen.
Speaker 1:my parents and like his survey website there once specifically for kids under eighteen, so I'll do that. My parents were really big on me like Go get some extra cash here, go get your money you know, I think they really just wanted to stop my pocket money so I get my own.
Speaker 1:That's what I really wanted. But there's so many things, like you said, out there. The money is sitting there. I've done loads of user testing. I've done different servers. Are you coming? I've gone into buildings and they've shown me stuff. What do you think about this use that? It's just easy money, sometimes even focus groups on the face and so many things are brilliant.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I used to buy and sell trainers I can still do that. Now. There's an app called heat movement. You can literally download that today. Look at all the drops which happening by them. Sit on them Stock X, ebay them. Fifty grid, sometimes up to like two, three hundred pounds if you're buying right Travis Scott, something I made like three hundred credit one pair of trainers, so that, and that's just being finger on the pulse yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm just looking like taking that. This is what I mean about taking that step like you've got to get that bit of fire and a bit of gut, because it's it's not easy. No, if you get Through that bit and you go and push yourself, then you can go and you'll be amazed at what you can come up with and do. So it's about just having belief in who you are, cause we've all got it in us. We've all got a fire in our belly.
Speaker 1:Exactly all about the belief. I love that, and we didn't train a thing. I remember my dad's got a pair of uses.
Speaker 1:I know in 2018 never won them now never won, though I know now it's kind of. I know it's a bit precarious, but we checked it about two years ago right, she would twenty eighteen years ago, twenty twenty two, and we checked on stock X my brother and I, and it had gone up. He would have made like eight hundred pound profit On those trainers because they're brand new in the box. I remember all he did was at the time buy and say, look at these and put it back and put it under his bed.
Speaker 2:I don't actually like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, hey, wow, I put it away again like eight hundred pounds on one yeah, it is mad like these trains and it's actually really easy like to do. If you just start, you can even Google is this trainer going to be like a hit and they're like you know from and you get yourself in all the little forums and stuff like that and you can earn some really good money, like I was doing six, you know, six hundred to a grand a month and I wasn't really really trying. My room would have load of boxes in guaranteed, but it was such a good side hustle and event. You know you end up keeping a few, I know because you see someone like that.
Speaker 1:I don't want to. I want that myself. I'll take that exact. I'll take that one Alright, before we round up what would be your three tips you want to leave our listeners with regards to building wealth or working on their personal growth.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so building wealth. For me, number one tip is that self acceptance piece. Definitely go through that because, as we said, it's that nine, ninety percent mindset mentality. Then, once you get to that, number two is securing yourself. Make sure you secure yourself. I know we're going back over this, but it's so, so important. And then number three I feel like today we spoke about saving investments. I feel I'm going to say increasing your income. So look at ways you can increase your income and then reinvest the profits from that.
Speaker 1:Don't then say that this is for spending, and just you're having a good time for the short term.
Speaker 2:Don't like. Have that lifestyle inflation with it. Keep everything the same, reinvest that money and you'll start to see that it's like pushing a snowball off the hill. It will tumble down, you're going to get more and more and more abundance and You're going to be able to have more choice and eventually you're going to be able to do all the things that you thought were really cool back then, and some Amazing sami.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for an amazing episode for everyone listening and watching. Where can I find you?
Speaker 2:yeah, and so we're up the gains and we're up the gains money on most social platforms. We have a podcast, a website of the three hundred three guys on there about money and social media. You're doing really well, really good. Yeah, come say hi. And yeah, we have lots of courses to help you make money as well. So, yeah, what's going on?
Speaker 1:Amazing. Thank you so, so much for coming on and everyone listening, watching back again next week on episode. Bye guys.